Strange-looking creature freaks out workers in Borneo

An amateur footage of a strange animal crawling in a forest went viral. The video was first trended last January and resurfaced the social media these past days.

Workers of a plantation in Sibu, Borneo recorded a raw footage of the said creature and lead a speculation that it was an alien.

The strange creature is a hairless animal.
The strange creature is a hairless animal.

A Threatened Species

The locals called the animal as alien or a mysterious creature. But the Chairman of Malaysian Nature Society Kuching, Anthony Sebastian cleared the rumors from his interview with Malaysian Star.

It is clearly a Sun Bear. What confuses people is the lack of fur. It is not some strange alien that has fallen from the sky,
Anthony Sebastian

After three months after the video first trended, a news from The Dodo website said that the sick hairless bear is now in a good and safe place.

The trending bear was found near another plantation.
The trending bear was found near another plantation.

The Sun Bear

The Sun Bear or Honey Bear (scientific name: Helarctos malayanus) is found in Southeast Asian forests and now threatened because of deforestation. They love eating honey and beehives, they also eat ants, termites, larvaes and fruits. Source: Wikipedia.

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Strange-looking creature freaks out workers in Borneo Strange-looking creature freaks out workers in Borneo Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, April 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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