The cops handcuffed them but they were surprised when they opened the trunk!

These teenagers where handcuffed because they possessed a coke!

Coke prank

They parked their car wearing their hoodies and offering everyone if they wanted some "coke". What they didn't know was that they are actually offering Coke and not cocaine!

They kept asking everyone for a drink to the point that word spread out that they were offering some "coke".

The police got suspicious and paid them a visit.

This prank is totally genius and i dont' want to spoil it by giving more details!

Watch how the cops were amazed and surprised at the same time!

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The cops handcuffed them but they were surprised when they opened the trunk! The cops handcuffed them but they were surprised when  they opened the trunk! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Sunday, May 24, 2015 Rating: 5