This video will definitely put a smile on your face!

Celebrating birthdays are always fun and memorable specially if you are  celebrating it with your loved ones.

As this Granny celebrated her 102nd birthday, everyone was so happy to celebrate this special day with her.  So they prepared a cake for Granny on her birthday.

As they wished her a Happy Birthday and asked her to make a wish, granny will need to blow her candles.

As granny tried to blow the candles...her false teeth came out!

It was so fun to watch how cool Granny's reaction to this incident.

She is such a cool granny and no wonder she was blessed with a long life.

This is what happens to all British peoples teeth when we blow out our Birthday cake candles!

Posted by EC Twins on Wednesday, May 27, 2015

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This video will definitely put a smile on your face! This video will definitely put a smile on your face! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Thursday, August 06, 2015 Rating: 5

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