The latest ad from Thailand has gone VIRAL with over 11 million views! Find out why!

This latest viral add of a security camera from Thailand will surely make you cry.

Screen cap from the viral ad of Thailand
Screen cap from the viral ad of Thailand

Shown in television are varieties of advertisements which are usually like this: beer ads are supposed to be funny and portrays a happy vibe, cars ads should be slick and cool, men in household product ads are supposed to look dumb about doing any chores then their wife will be the hero to the rescue, and sweets ads should have kids enjoying the product.

The British department store, John Lewis, has become known because of their heart warming and hear melting Christmas ads. While Google and Coca cola has at least produced one massive multinational ads.

However, Thailand is taking ad industry to the next level. They broke those categories and made a new special niche in creating ads - the tear-jerkers. In Thailand, this genre is very known which led companies to create and write special extended versions of commercials which will surely make the viewers cry. Their ads go for several minutes and are viral on social networking site such as YouTube and Facebook. 

The latest ad from Thailand was from the security camera company, Vizer. Their ad had definitely pulled the views heartstrings because it garnered over 5.4 million views from Facebook users and over 11 million on Youtube since it was uploaded just last August 27.

The story was about an old man and a dirty homeless man. Whenever the old man opens up his store, he would always see the homeless man sleeping in front of it. This drives the old man furious which led him into kicking and throwing water unto the homeless man. The homeless man doesn't say anything. He will just quickly get up and ran away. However, one day the old man was wondering why the homeless man was not to be found in front of his store. Days passed and still no sign of the homeless man, he then checked what happened with the help of the security camera..

Find out what happened next on the video below.

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The latest ad from Thailand has gone VIRAL with over 11 million views! Find out why! The latest ad from Thailand has gone VIRAL with over 11 million views! Find out why! Reviewed by TrendSpot on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Rating: 5

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