Something UNBELIEVABLE was caught on cam by Russian fishermen! What could it be?

According to reports, this kind of sea creature is very rare! Find out what they caught.

The giant squid that was found by the Russian fishermen
The giant squid that was found by the Russian fishermen

A video footage of a giant squid was caught on cam while these Russian fishermen are pulling up a fish they caught when this giant sea creature tried to eat their catch.

One of the fishermen captured the giant squid beside their ship. The exact species of the squid was still unclear, it was literally a giant squid but it's probably not the rare colossal squid. But it can also be a relative of the colossal squid.

In the video the sailors are trying to poke the squid with a long pole to try to save the fish they caught. The squid that was captured on cam is about five times as big as the huge fish it tries to snatch.

“Its eyes are supposedly the largest in the animal kingdom,” said Leslie Schwerin, who did a documentary about the giant squid, told Discovery. “As big as a basketball perhaps. I mean bigger than my head, which is amazing to think about. And that’s so they can see in the dark.”

“We can’t see down 2,000 feet (610 m) – it’s all dark to us – but they see things. They see light trickling through, and that’s because their eyes are so big," he added.

Another incident of a giant squid was found in Toyama Bay in Japan's coast. An owner of a dive shop, Akinobu Kimura, jumped in the bay to see and follow the squid.

Akinobu Kimura found a giant squid in Japan's coast
Akinobu Kimura found a giant squid in Japan's coast
While under the water, he tried to filmed the giant squid with his submersible camera.

My curiosity was way bigger than fear, so I jumped into the water and go close to it," Kimura said

The giant squid they found was approximately 12 feet long and according to some experts its not an adult, because an adult range from 30 to 40 feet long.

According to Kimura, while he was trying to follow the squid under water, it tried to wrap its tentacles around him and it also squirted ink on him. After a few hours, the giant squid had return to the ocean with help of Kimura.

The number of different giant squid species has been debated, but recent genetic research suggests that only one species exists. In 2004 Japanese researchers took the first images of a live giant squid in its natural habitat, and in July 2012 a live adult was first filmed in its natural habitat off Chichi-jima.

The giant squid that was found by the Russian fishermen and the one in Japan's coast were unidentified if what kind of species are they.

Its true that there are so many things that experts haven't discovered under the sea. There are still lots of unknown species being found all over the world. The sea is a very deep and big place!

Watch the video here:

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Something UNBELIEVABLE was caught on cam by Russian fishermen! What could it be? Something UNBELIEVABLE was caught on cam by Russian fishermen! What could it be? Reviewed by TrendSpot on Saturday, March 19, 2016 Rating: 5

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